Saturday, 17 May 2014

Papa C's Birthday in London

This week saw my pops down in London for a couple of days. During his stay, it was his birthday so Dan and I decided to take him out and do something nice.

Seeing Dad wearing his shades, listening to music walking in the London summer sunshine, I have to say not only did he look younger than his age but looked so cool! He told me he was walking down the Mall when he saw David Cameron jogging with some security guards. He managed to grab a few snaps of the sweaty Prime Minister.

I took him to St. Paul's for the sung Eucharistic service. There was a choir and they used the incense which was so so nice. The church was beautiful too, so grand and full of history. After that, we went for a coffee and headed to Soho to go for a lovely Thai meal together.

The lovely TomYam soup that Dad and I love.

Our eyes were definitely bigger than our bellies. We ordered too much, and ate too much, but it was just so so nice! We walked out of there holding our tummies!

After we got in, Dan and I surprised him with a yummy Lemon Drizzle sponge with some candles - you can't have a birthday and not have a birthday cake!

It was a really lovely couple of days :) Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, Dad :)

Saturday, 10 May 2014

I'm published in a book! Typewriter Art: A Modern Anthology by Barrie Tullett, Laurence King Publishing

The title of this post pretty much says it all but I'm still over the moon that I'm featured in a book put together by my former University Lecturer, Barrie Tullett. 

Last year I received an email asking if I'd like to be in the book, and of course I felt extremely honoured to be asked. After a few problems with knowing if it could be featured or not, I received confirmation that it would in fact be published in the book in May 2014. 

Lo and behold, I bought the book from Laurence King Publishing and was over the moon when it arrived - just in time for the beautiful bank holiday!

So here we are, the book I'm featured in by Barrie Tullett...

(If you are interested in buying the book, buy it directly from Laurence King Publishing as then the lovely author receives royalties.)

Nice one. So chuffed!