I have the day off today and although it's already 9.30 AM I've been thinking about the two weeks that I've now had in Hong Kong. It feels so natural to be here. And the thing is, when we booked the tickets and when we were on the way to Heathrow, it still hadn't hit me that I was going to the other side of the world to work and live there for a year. I still can't believe I'm here to some extent. I look out of the windows and I see a beautiful landscape and mountains and I just think how lucky I am to be here and having this experience. A few times, I've had an odd thought or two enter my mind but nothing to over-shadow the positive of being out here.
I'm starting to miss my family though. Not so much the house, the area or my bedroom. Because we've moved so much I think I've learnt to detach myself from the physical 'home' and see home as a place where my parents are, whether that be anywhere in the country that they lived. I miss asking my Mum if she's listening to me and calling her name 4 times because she still didn't here me. I miss my Dad asking me if I wanna sit with him in the garden whilst he gets annoyed at Willow and smokes a cigar. I miss being in Lincoln and asking Jules if he wants to come over for tea or go out and do some photography shoots or go for a pint and having him come over in about 5 minutes flat because he's pelted it to mine on his bike. I miss not speaking to them everyday. I even miss Willow and her crazy 'I'm gonna run around everything and do a wappy' moments. I even miss telling her off!
It still brings me to tears when I think of saying goodbye at the airport and watching tears stroll down my brother's face as he said 'It's so strange because now I'm on the other end of it, and now I have to leave whilst you get on the plane.' MY GOSH! I'm even welling up with tears right now!!
Although it's only been two weeks here, I've experienced so much. I feel more confident in myself, in the decisions I make and it makes me so excited to know there's another 10 months of this. I can't wait to have my family down in February and take them to all the exciting places that Dan and I have found. To celebrate Chinese New Year whilst they are here and go all out and buy lanterns and Chinese incense and paper money. It's gonna be so much fun! I just wish they could bring Willow. But she's really hate this heat!
It is tiring being here. I'm working 6 days a week and the humidity makes everything so much more hard work. It's awful when I'm trying to talk to someone that doesn't speak English. It makes me embarrassed that so many Chinese people know English and yet I know barely any Cantonese. Hopefully by Christmas though I'll start having some lessons and start learning the language properly so I can understand everyone a little bit easier. Especially the children. I'm dying to know what they are saying to me when they're chatting their little heads off to me in Cantonese. I just not my head and make encouraging 'Yeah?' noises and they carry on as if they think I know what they're on about. Bless.
Well that's the thoughts I've been having recently that's been rumbling round in my head. What will be nice is when I can look back on this post in 10 months time and see how far I've come.
For now, over and out.