Thursday, 6 October 2011

Manifesto: If things were different

For the first university project of this term, we were asked to write a manifesto. I wrote two, one serious and one less serious- see one here. Here is my other written, designed and produced manifesto. It was only a week project but I did a publication, four poster designs and set up a twitter account. 

Jonathan Barnbrook was meant to come in and critique our work but he had a call from a client to get work done for a client so he couldn't make it. He kindly tweeted back however, and apologised :)

The manifesto is about things that I would change if I could / if things were different. Some of these things are things that irritate me as well. The twitter account is set up for anyone who would like to join this little campaign to share what irritates them and what they would change if they could. So if you have a twitter account, tweet @irritate_ with #ifthingsweredifferent and tell me. My favourite tweets will be produced into posters for an entry into my 3rd year end of year degree show. So get tweeting!!

The publication is a concertina and stretches out.

Little information strips to get people tweeting to @irritate_


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